David Nayer

David Nayer is the Editor in Chief of Law Street Media. A graduate of Georgetown University Law Center, David began his career at Fastcase as a reference attorney. David was a copy editor at The Michigan Daily student newspaper. He was born in Detroit and resides in Washington, DC.

Articles by this author

8 Juul, Altria Antitrust Related by Calif. Judge

In an order filed May 7, Judge William Orrick of the Northern District of California formally relating 8 cases similarly alleging that Juul and Altria entered into an anticompetitive...

Hydroponics Company Hit With TCPA Claim

Hydropnics Inc., a California company that supplies hydroponics equipment for use in the growth of cannabis, allegedly "utilizes automated telemarketing text messages to market and advertise business and...

Two Medical Cannabis Stock Suits Move for Consolidation

A motion filed on May 5 sought the consolidation of two class-action investor suits against PharmaCielo, which "purports to cultivate, process, produce, and supply medicinal-grade cannabis oil extracts and...

States, Fed. Government File Dairy Antitrust Suit

The United States of America, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin sued Dairy Farmers of America, Inc. (DFA) and Dean Foods Company on May 1 to halt a proposed transaction that "would...

Briefing Begins in Egg Price-Fixing Appeal

Appellant food retailers, including Kroger, Safeway, HyVee, and others, have filed their brief in a Third Circuit appeal of their loss in an antitrust trial alleging the manipulation of...

Media Groups Spar over COVID-19 Aid

The American Television Alliance (ATVA), which represents "an unprecedented coalition of consumer groups, cable, satellite, telephone companies, and independent programmers," has called on Congress to attach conditions to any...