Tom Hagy

Articles by this author

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Litigation and Even Preventing...

Artificial intelligence has the capability to truly revolutionize how litigators work, and also how companies can avoid litigation in the first place.  It can not only do...

Where COVID-19 Litigation is Heading with Sandra M. Cianflone

It’s now been more than 18 months since the world was besieged by the novel coronavirus pandemic. In addition to the human toll, it disrupted our lives...

The False Claims Act with Jack Siegal

Unscrupulous contractors have been ripping off the federal government for as long as there has been a federal government. President Lincoln, tired of being sold lame mules...

Ransomware Coverage with Scott Godes

The cost of ransomware to businesses is estimated to have doubled since 2019 to $20 billion, according to Coveware. Policyholders turn to their insurance policies to recover...

Civil Unrest and Insurance with Vince Vitkowsky

Civil unrest. Peaceful protests. Massive marches. Riots. Looting.  Which of these things are not like the other? Recent social outrage over police shootings of Black people --...

Labor Law in 2021 with Kathryn Hatfield

Participation in labor unions is less than half of what it was 40 years ago. It has seen an uptick in the service sector, but a...