Post Media Files 3 Patent Infringement Suits Over Podcast Technology

On May 26, Post Media Systems LLC filed three patent infringement complaints against music streaming companies Stingray Group Inc., Aspiro AB, and Saavn Media Pvt. Ltd., alleging that they copied media playback systems. The case is being held in the Eastern District of Texas before Judge Sean D. Jordan.

The patents in question are U.S. Patent Nos. 7,069,310; 7,472,175; 8,725,832; and 8,959,181, each titled, “System and Method for Creating and Posting Media Lists for Purposes of Subsequent Playback.” According to the complaint, the inventive embodiments of these patents “resolve technical problems related to a specific functionality of computers and networks (e.g. Internet or other networks) to post, share, and playback media, overcoming posting and interface issues specific to different computing systems and accounts on shared networks.”

The complaints alleged the defendants continue to infringe on at least one claim from each patent “by making, using, selling, importing and/or providing and causing to be used without authority within the United States, a system directed to a specific functionality of computers and networks to share media for playback.” Attached as separate exhibits to the complaints are infringement analyses, detailing the allegations for each patent infringement claim.

The patents in suit were invented by Athan Bartholomew, a software developer who allegedly created “ways to broadcast audio files over shared networks, now often referred to as podcasting.” He has also developed software products for recording government hearings and court proceedings. His time is now spent selling products through his business, SoniClear, rather than developing new technologies. According to the complaint, Bartholomew “turned to Post Media, whose purpose in part is to conduct the work necessary to reward and provide compensation to [him] for the patents in suit.”

As a result of the defendants’ alleged patent infringements, Post Media seeks an award of damages. The plaintiff is represented by Devlin Law Firm LLC and Nelson Bumgardner Albritton.