
Oracle Replies ‘Agencies are Fallible’ in $10B DOD...

On Monday, Oracle America Inc. responded to the federal government in the parties’ dispute...

SolarWinds Sued for Securities Violations After News Outlet...

SolarWinds and its CEO and CFO have been sued by a shareholder for securities...

Amazon’s Redacted Amended Complaint in JEDI Suit Asks...

On Tuesday, Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) redacted amended complaint was filed in the Joint...

Ninth Circuit Vacates Dismissal of Alaska FTCA Environmental...

Last week, the Ninth Circuit breathed new life into a Federal Tort Claims Act...

Oracle Loses JEDI Appeal

On Wednesday, the Federal Circuit issued an opinion denying Oracle’s appeal in its suit...

Senators Push DOJ To Investigate Zoom and TikTok...

Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) asked the United States Department of...

Chinese Telecom Companies Urge The FCC to Not...

Chinese telecommunications companies, including Pacific Networks Corp and its subsidiary ComNet urged the Federal...

U.S. Regulators May Close “Loophole” With Huawei Chip...

Regulators are considering closing a “loophole” in a new rule designed to stop computer...