Emily Ashcraft

Articles by this author

9th Circuit Sides with Disney in “Inside Out” Character...

The Ninth Circuit ruled in favor of Disney on Monday and against plaintiff Denise Daniels who claimed the characters displaying the protagonist’s emotions in “Inside Out” were based off...

More Facebook Content Moderators Join Legal Battle Claiming Harm...

Nineteen Facebook content moderators filed a class action complaint against Facebook and Cognizant Technology Solutions, a contractor hired by Facebook, for personal injury they allege comes from the content...

Former Salesforce Employees Allege 401(k) Mismanagement

Three former Salesforce employees filed a class action lawsuit against the company for not investing their 401(k) funds wisely. They claim the investment advisory committee consistently invested in expensive...

Airbnb Sued for Patent Infringement by IBM

IBM claimed that short-term rental giant Airbnb took innovations made by IBM to run its e-commerce business, particularly innovations used by IBM in Prodigy, one of the first e-commerce...

California Makes Agreement, Backs Down from Resisting T-Mobile/Sprint Merger

California’s attorney general’s office announced they will not appeal the case against the $26.5 billion T-Mobile/Sprint Merger. Judge Victor Marrero in the Southern District of New York ruled in...

Judge in JEDI Contract Case Says Amazon Likely to...

Judge Patricia E. Campbell-Smith's order granting Amazon’s motion for a preliminary injunction against the United States government has now been unsealed., showing the Judge thinks Amazon is likely to...