Clash of the Titans: Elon Musk Battles a...

FOIAengine REVEALS A GROWING LEGAL FEUD Sometimes FOIAengine sends us in an unexpected direction as we scan...

FOIAengine: Requests Pointed to SBF’s Shaky World Long...

Jacob Silverman is a cryptocurrency savant and Jeopardy champion with 35,000 Twitter followers and stories to...

In the Wall Street Journal’s Crosshairs: Upside Foods,...

FOIAengine Reveals the Questions Reporters Ask Freedom of Information Act requests to the federal government can...

FOIA Requests Presaged Huge Problems for Baby-Formula Maker...

A New Database Compiles Millions of FOIA Records to Analyze Trends Abbott Laboratories (NYSE: ABT),...

Judicial Watch Asks Court to Compel Compliance with...

According to a complaint filed on Monday in the District of Columbia, Judicial Watch,...

DC District Court Grants Summary Judgment to Department...

The District of Columbia district court on Tuesday granted summary judgment to the United...