Whitfield Bryson

Eli Lilly Wins SJ in Migraine Tracking Trade...

An order filed on Monday in the Western District of North Carolina granted summary...

BIPA Complainants’ Claims Compelled to Arbitration in Instagram...

On Monday, the Oakland, California federal court presiding over a biometric data privacy case...

Court Invites Plaintiffs to Respond to Added Allegations...

By order issued Tuesday, Judge John S. Tigar permitted a group of Instagram user...

Snapchat Biometrics Privacy Suit Sent to Arbitration

Last Thursday, a Southern District of Illinois judge sent a consumer action to arbitration...

Amicus Briefs Filed in PETA Suit Against North...

Three amicus curiae briefs were filed in the Fourth Circuit on Monday in...

Facebook Aruges BIPA Instagram Suit Belongs in Arbitration

Last Thursday, Facebook, Inc. filed a motion to compel arbitration in a consolidated suit...

Briefing Begins in Fourth Circuit Suit Challenging NC...

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the Animal Legal Defense Fund,...